You can help others and get paid for it! You can help students’ complete academic papers.
You can help inexperienced writers get their work into print and prepared for publication.
You can provide useful content that can help others understand how things work.
Just what does a freelance copywriter do? Is it the stuff of Hollywood? Or is it realistically something that anyone with a modicum of common sense can do? Well, I can assure you that for most people it is not Hollywood. The internet and rise of several large freelancing websites has made it easily accessible to anyone that wants to give it their best shot. This also means that whereas once it was considered a niche market, I now commonly hear it referred to as “The Wild West.” While it is incredibly easy to get your foot in the door and start accepting assignments, finding work that is both sustainable and fulfilling does take a little more work.
Okay, so what kind of work might you realistically expect to get? Here’s a brief rundown for you.
Again, there is an abundance of this kind of work to be found out there. However, it really depends on where your moral compass is and what you are prepared to do in order to get work. Technically there is nothing wrong with doing this. You are not actually going to be submitting these reviews anywhere. You are just writing them. However, while the work is plentiful, I avoid these projects like the plague – as writing fake reviews just does not sit well with me.
The key with freelance copywriting is:
Work of this nature comes with a lot of freedom but you need to manage it wisely.
There are so many clients in need of writers it is ridiculous for any writer to say they cannot get work. You need to study the market carefully and know what to say when approaching potential clients.