You can help others and get paid for it! You can help students’ complete academic papers.
You can help inexperienced writers get their work into print and prepared for publication.
You can provide useful content that can help others understand how things work.
The going rate for a freelance writer can vary, this is because is depends on the type of work they are doing and how much work is going into the project. For example, if a freelance writer is doing edits on a work, they might charge less if they don’t have to fix very much but a work that is riddled in errors and is just plain hard to read will probably get charged more. It varies from writer to writer as well, some charge less than others and some writers charge a lot. You should go for a happy medium when you start out and then raise your rates as you get better at your job.
If you are a freelance copyeditor then the rates usually start at around thirty dollars to around sixty dollars an hour. And if you are indexing their work then you are looking at thirty five to sixty five dollars an hour.
If you are working on layouts for a book, newsletter, website, manuscript and so on then you should be charging around forty to one hundred dollars an hour. If it’s a website then ten to twenty dollars a page is the going rate.
If you are asked to proofread someone else work then you should charge him or her around thirty to thirty five dollars an hour. You can go cheaper if the work is easy to proofread or more expensive if you have to do more work.
There are so many clients in need of writers it is ridiculous for any writer to say they cannot get work. You need to study the market carefully and know what to say when approaching potential clients.